Payment Options

If your account is due for RENEWAL, please make the payment in advance in order to avoid penalties for overdue payments. For all payments, please mention your box number as reference so we can update our records accordingly.

For your convenience, we offer 3 payment options:

Option 1:

Pay directly at SDC Bangkok Office

Pay directly at Safe Deposit Centre (Bangkok) Office. This can be done in person or through a third-party, by cash or check.

Our dedicated staff will welcome you and explain every aspect of the process.

Come and meet us:
Open: Monday – Friday: 10am to 6pm

Saturday: 10am to 3pm

Closed: Sunday and Public Holidays 

Option 2:

Pay by bank transfer to our company account

Pay by bank transfer to our company account. Upon completing the payment, please inform us so that we may verify and update our records, and issue a receipt. Our banks details are as follows:

  • Bangkok Bank PLC 
    A/C Name: SDC Bangkok Co., Ltd
    A/C No: 147-3-150330
    Swift: BKKBTHBK


  • Thanachart Bank PLC
    A/C Name: SDC Bangkok Co., Ltd
    A/C No: 205-3-00080-7
    Swift: THBKTHBK
Option 3:

Pay via PayPal

Pay online below, via PayPal or internet banking.

Choose the box size that you want and press on the PAY NOW button